Do you live in Purple or Olive Town? The LCDLC, Columbiana County and NOECA distance learning consortiums have teamed up to create an geography, Ohio history and problem solving project for third grade classes.
The intent of the Guess What Town project is to introduce students to the history and geography of the State of Ohio by having the students study their own community with the intent of becoming ambassadors to other third grade students around the state. The students will present ten clues based on the five themes of geography to see if students at the participating sites can guess where they are located. The classroom teacher will assist in the project by helping his/her students with the presentation.Each class will present 5 of their 10 clues in a multi-point videoconference on March 28. On April 6 the classes will present their next 10 clues. During the conference on April 25, classes will guess in what town the presenters are located.
Which town do you live in? Can you guess the other towns? Project details and clues presented by the teams are posted online http://intercom.noeca.net/intercom/guess/intro.html .