Friday October 21, 2005 Avon held their story time program to introduce teachers at Avon East Elementary School to videoconferencing as a medium of educational instruction. Each month Avon Middle School connects to a different classroom at Avon East and shares a story using the document camera to display the pictures. To help teachers understand the power of videoconferencing, the story time program is done in a multipoint videoconference with another school.
The October Story Time program connected the students at Avon East to students at Rose Tree Elementary School in Pennsylvania, Grant Elementary School in Michigan, Jackson Park Elementary School in Missouri and Calcutta Elementary School in Ohio. October’s story was The Hallo-Wiener by Dav Pilkey. After the story the students shared what they think about when we say Halloween and what they will dress up as for trick or treating.
We look forward to adding four new teachers to IVC users in the district and hope to see our connecting schools again online in future connections that enhance our existing curricula. All of the schools were great to work with! :)
This blog is an electric diary of the NORT2H Consortium of Northeast Ohio. We are a consortium of schools using Videoconferencing in a blended model of mutiple technologies to enhance student learning.
Friday, October 21, 2005
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
IVDL Opportunities
Girls Inc. instructors are eager to help all kids learn about the dangersthat come with being young. During this high energy, movement-packedprogram, boys and girls will become official 'disaster blasters" and becomearmed with the specials tools they will need to live safely in theircommunity. Upon completion of the program, students with receive their ownDisaster Blaster Safety Kit, which includes a whistle, certificate, and tipson staying safe.Audience: Education: Grade(s): 1, 2, Program Offering: 11/16/2005 9:45 AM - 10:30 AM or 11:15-12:00
Cost: $60.00
251 East Ohio StreetSuite 960
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Join Stark Parks to learn about native Ohio animals. Discover thedifferences between birds, reptiles, amphibians, insects, and mammals. Seelive animals and investigate the adaptations they have that make them uniqueand allow them to survive in their habitats.Audience: Education: Pre-K Students, Kindergarten, Grade(s): 1, 2 Program
Availability: On Demand - Cost $50.00
800 Genoa RdMassillon, OH 44646
Phone: (330) 477-0448 Fax: (330) 479-2149
The library of congress now provides videoconferencing to K-12 schools andteachers! ( Thereare ten programs total. Nine are for teachers, but they recently added anew one for students entitled "The Spy Map and General Washington" forstudents. The Spy Map and Gen. Washington may be requested for studentsstudying the Revolutionary War. All programs are interactive with theLibrary's resources and staff.
Cost: All programs are free. We ask that you dial us, thus any connectcharges are yours.Scheduling: Events may be scheduled Monday - Friday, during normal workinghours, Eastern time. Times are flexible, depending on Library staffavailability, time zone differences, and varied work schedules across thecountry.
Judith K. GravesDigital Projects CoordinatorLibrary of Congress
101 Independence Ave., SE
Washington, DC 20540-4604
(v)202/707-2562 (f)202/252-3116
Hello Everyone!Believe it or not, but we are already into the middle of October! Thatmeans, the rush to get your video conferences in before Christmas is on!!!!Please see below for the featured distance learning events for November andDecember . Please let me know if you have a class interested. My availabletime slots and dates are limited, so the earlier you book, the better I canaccommodate your teacher's preferred time.
Remember, the cost is $50.00 persite, and events are linked to Ohio Academic Content standards. All events,unless noted, are available upon request.
---- PROGRAMMING ------
Coming to America: The Colonization of Jamestown and Plymouth (availableUpon Request) This program explores the first English settlements inAmerica: Jamestown and Plymouth. By viewing this program students willdiscover who the colonists were, from where they came, how they crossed theocean, and the things they did to create settlements in the Americanwilderness. (Perfect event for the integration of standards into classroomThanksgiving themes and activities)
Grades: 2-5
50 minutes
How Geography Influenced the Native Americans (available upon request)Students will locate Native American communities that lived in Ohio andcompare their life styles to the Native Americans located in other areas ofthe United States. They will learn about the homes and how the land andenvironment influenced their living styles.
Grades: 2-3
50 minutes*Native Americans
(session #1 November 10, 2005 1:00-2:00 ~3 SITE LIMIT;session #2 November 21, 2005 10:00-11:00 ~ ONLY 1 spot left)
Students willexplore various Native American literature selections throughout thisprogram. Presenters will use aspects from the stories to extend studentunderstanding of the material through student questioning, interactiveproblem solving, and hands in activities. Authors utilized for this contentsession include: Leigh Severson, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, LangstonHughes, Ransom, and others. Don't miss the opportunity to expand yourstudent's knowledge of Native American culture told through literature andbeautifully illustrated pictures.
Grades: 2-4
50 minutes
The Polar Express (available upon request) This is a fun, informative, and very interactive math and language activitytailor made for the holidays. The Polar Express focuses on the details ofthis wonderful Chris Van Allsburg story "The Polar Express", and uses themto teach various math and language concepts. This lesson is intended forgrades K-3. The activities will be modified for the grade level attendingthe conference. Don't miss this "jolly" time on the mythical "PolarExpress"!
Grades: K-3
50 minutes
Tea With Mrs. Claus (only available on the following dates ~ December 20th ,21st , 22nd )A "SPECIAL WEB-BASED EVENT"! What do your students want for Christmas?Here's their chance to get the word out! Students begin this event bywriting a friendly letter to good ole St. Nick expressing through writtentext, what they would like for Christmas. With teacher assistance, theletters are posted to a web page where Mrs. Claus accesses the information.Students then meet with Mrs. Claus for holiday stories, geography lessons,and language arts activities. One of our most "popular" distance learningevents!
Grades: PreK-3
50 minutes
Leslie Charles
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5) WVIZ/PBS PRESENTS "AN HOUR WITH NATIONALLY KNOWN WATERCOLORIST GARYBUKOVNIK" (attachment "Gary Bukovnik invite")A Special WVIZ/PBS Distance Learning Programming (in conjunction with theBonfoey Gallery)
Date: Monday, October 31, 2005
Time: 1:00 - 2:00 p.m.
Contact: John Ramicone (216-739-3940, )
or Richard Gore(216-739-3997, ) by OCTOBER 26th to schedule a programconnection.
Scheduling is on a first call basis.
Only six ATM sites willbe interactive. Additional sites will be in a view only mode.
Program Fee: $50.00 will be charged to schools not in the NOTA or "Go TheDistance" member districts.
Please process a purchase order (to WVIZ/PBSDistance Learning Account, c/o John Ramicone, 4300 Brookpark Road, Cleveland44134) and fax a copy or the number of the PO. to 216-749-2560.
Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2005 15:27:40 -0500From: "Heighway, Julia" <>
Subject: New Programs and Collaborations
The following programs and collaborations are new offerings. For detailedinformation or to request this program, visit the CILC website
Amon Carter Museum=20Beautiful BiomesAudience: Education: Grade(s): 3, 4, 5, 6Description: Science and art interconnect in this broadcast as students usethe work of world-renowned nature photographer Eliot Porter to discussbiomes. Porter, a pioneer in nature color photography, traveled the worldfrom Africa to Iceland. During this program, students will present anddiscuss activities they have completed before the broadcast and learn howPorter's love of nature and the environment influenced his art. This programis appropriate for grades 3-5.Program Availability: By Request/On Demand ONLY=20People of the Plains=20Audience: Education: Grade(s): 3, 4, 5
Description: The Amon Carter Museum holds some of the most beautiful andimportant works of Plains Indians created by nineteenth-century artists.During this broadcast, students will use selected works to analyze anddiscuss Plains Indian culture, including the following themes:family/home, games/play, art/decoration, protection/self-defense,dances/ceremonies, and hunting. This program includes activities that mustbe completed by the students before the broadcast and is appropriate forgrades 3-5.
Program Availability: By Request/On Demand ONLYCILC
Professional Development=Developing Your Own Approved Beginning Teacher Mentor Program
Audience: Education: Professional Development Director, Principal,Administrator, Human Resource Directors, Instructional Coaches, Appropriate Educator Teams
Description: According to the Division of Professional Standards now withinthe Indiana Department of Education, "the first priority for assignment of amentor should be an individual who has participated in a Division ofProfessional Standards approved standards-based mentor training program..."CILC is pleased to offer your district an opportunity to develop your owncertified program so that you can meet the legal standards for mentoring newteachers without the expense and inconvenience of sending them "away" forsix full days or more. Join Indiana certified mentor faculty trainer, BonnieJo Kelley, in this three-part series as she assists school administratorsand their staff in writing their own program. E-mail support will beavailable from Bonnie between sessions. Final programs will be submitted tothe Division of Professional Standards within the Indiana Department ofEducation for approval.
Program Availability: Published Date(s) and Time(s) ONLY=20=20Indiana Repertory Theatre=20The Story That Must Be ToldAudience: Education: Grade(s): 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Public Library:Library Patrons, Business/Community: Community Member
Description: The Story that Must Be Told
Join the Indiana Repertory Theatre and some special guests in an interactive discussion via distance learningabout the WWII Holocaust=20 In conjunction with the IRT ' s productions ofAnd Then They Came ForMe: Remembering the World of Anne Frank by James Still and Old Wicked Songsby Jon Marans Program Availability: Published Date(s) and Time(s) ONLY=20=20Minnetrista=20
Amazing Animal Adaptations
Audience: Education: Kindergarten, Grade(s): 1, 2
Description: Animals are amazing! We will explore different habitats and howanimals adapt to those environments. Students will discover different typesof adaptations such as camouflage, warning coloration, and mimicry.
Program Availability: By Request/On Demand ONLYProvider: University Circle Interactive Cleveland=20Animation: Behind the ScenesAudience: Education: Grade(s): 9, 10, 11, 12, community college
Description: Animation: Behind the Scenes is a distance learning programcreated by Cleveland Institute of Art students for high school students ingrades 9-12. The program will discuss the process of creating animation frominitial concept to final product. Students will be introduced to techniquesand terms used in creating 2D, 3D, and stop-motion animation.Program Availability: n/a=20Interactive Media: Behind the ScenesAudience: Education: Grade(s): 9, 10, 11, 12, community collegeDescription: Interactive Media: Behind the Scenes is a distance learningprogram created by art students at The Cleveland Institute of Art for highschool students. The program explores the working process of developingvideo games, web sites and interactive media.Program Availability: n/a=20=20
Advanced Biology: Invasive Species VC Project Nov. 15 & 16Please join our students to discuss the introduced and/or invasive speciesof each area and the effects of these invaders on the ecosystem.Each group will investigate and then share what the introduced species arein their area, where they came from and how and when each was introduced.How are these invaders being dealt with? What effects have they had on theecosystem? Are there any predators in the new ecosystem for them? Are anysteps being taken to prevent new invasive species from appearing?For additional details, read the description online here: have openings for U.S. schools on November 15, 8:00-9:30 EST and a fewmore non-US schools on Nov. 16, 7:30-9:00 EST (12:30-2:00 GMT).Register online here: LimInstructional Technology ConsultantBerrien County ISD711 St. Joseph Ave.Berrien Springs, MI 49103 (269) 471-7725x101Fax: (269) 471-1221Web:
Girls Inc. instructors are eager to help all kids learn about the dangersthat come with being young. During this high energy, movement-packedprogram, boys and girls will become official 'disaster blasters" and becomearmed with the specials tools they will need to live safely in theircommunity. Upon completion of the program, students with receive their ownDisaster Blaster Safety Kit, which includes a whistle, certificate, and tipson staying safe.Audience: Education: Grade(s): 1, 2, Program Offering: 11/16/2005 9:45 AM - 10:30 AM or 11:15-12:00
Cost: $60.00
251 East Ohio StreetSuite 960
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Join Stark Parks to learn about native Ohio animals. Discover thedifferences between birds, reptiles, amphibians, insects, and mammals. Seelive animals and investigate the adaptations they have that make them uniqueand allow them to survive in their habitats.Audience: Education: Pre-K Students, Kindergarten, Grade(s): 1, 2 Program
Availability: On Demand - Cost $50.00
800 Genoa RdMassillon, OH 44646
Phone: (330) 477-0448 Fax: (330) 479-2149
The library of congress now provides videoconferencing to K-12 schools andteachers! ( Thereare ten programs total. Nine are for teachers, but they recently added anew one for students entitled "The Spy Map and General Washington" forstudents. The Spy Map and Gen. Washington may be requested for studentsstudying the Revolutionary War. All programs are interactive with theLibrary's resources and staff.
Cost: All programs are free. We ask that you dial us, thus any connectcharges are yours.Scheduling: Events may be scheduled Monday - Friday, during normal workinghours, Eastern time. Times are flexible, depending on Library staffavailability, time zone differences, and varied work schedules across thecountry.
Judith K. GravesDigital Projects CoordinatorLibrary of Congress
101 Independence Ave., SE
Washington, DC 20540-4604
(v)202/707-2562 (f)202/252-3116
Hello Everyone!Believe it or not, but we are already into the middle of October! Thatmeans, the rush to get your video conferences in before Christmas is on!!!!Please see below for the featured distance learning events for November andDecember . Please let me know if you have a class interested. My availabletime slots and dates are limited, so the earlier you book, the better I canaccommodate your teacher's preferred time.
Remember, the cost is $50.00 persite, and events are linked to Ohio Academic Content standards. All events,unless noted, are available upon request.
---- PROGRAMMING ------
Coming to America: The Colonization of Jamestown and Plymouth (availableUpon Request) This program explores the first English settlements inAmerica: Jamestown and Plymouth. By viewing this program students willdiscover who the colonists were, from where they came, how they crossed theocean, and the things they did to create settlements in the Americanwilderness. (Perfect event for the integration of standards into classroomThanksgiving themes and activities)
Grades: 2-5
50 minutes
How Geography Influenced the Native Americans (available upon request)Students will locate Native American communities that lived in Ohio andcompare their life styles to the Native Americans located in other areas ofthe United States. They will learn about the homes and how the land andenvironment influenced their living styles.
Grades: 2-3
50 minutes*Native Americans
(session #1 November 10, 2005 1:00-2:00 ~3 SITE LIMIT;session #2 November 21, 2005 10:00-11:00 ~ ONLY 1 spot left)
Students willexplore various Native American literature selections throughout thisprogram. Presenters will use aspects from the stories to extend studentunderstanding of the material through student questioning, interactiveproblem solving, and hands in activities. Authors utilized for this contentsession include: Leigh Severson, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, LangstonHughes, Ransom, and others. Don't miss the opportunity to expand yourstudent's knowledge of Native American culture told through literature andbeautifully illustrated pictures.
Grades: 2-4
50 minutes
The Polar Express (available upon request) This is a fun, informative, and very interactive math and language activitytailor made for the holidays. The Polar Express focuses on the details ofthis wonderful Chris Van Allsburg story "The Polar Express", and uses themto teach various math and language concepts. This lesson is intended forgrades K-3. The activities will be modified for the grade level attendingthe conference. Don't miss this "jolly" time on the mythical "PolarExpress"!
Grades: K-3
50 minutes
Tea With Mrs. Claus (only available on the following dates ~ December 20th ,21st , 22nd )A "SPECIAL WEB-BASED EVENT"! What do your students want for Christmas?Here's their chance to get the word out! Students begin this event bywriting a friendly letter to good ole St. Nick expressing through writtentext, what they would like for Christmas. With teacher assistance, theletters are posted to a web page where Mrs. Claus accesses the information.Students then meet with Mrs. Claus for holiday stories, geography lessons,and language arts activities. One of our most "popular" distance learningevents!
Grades: PreK-3
50 minutes
Leslie Charles
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5) WVIZ/PBS PRESENTS "AN HOUR WITH NATIONALLY KNOWN WATERCOLORIST GARYBUKOVNIK" (attachment "Gary Bukovnik invite")A Special WVIZ/PBS Distance Learning Programming (in conjunction with theBonfoey Gallery)
Date: Monday, October 31, 2005
Time: 1:00 - 2:00 p.m.
Contact: John Ramicone (216-739-3940, )
or Richard Gore(216-739-3997, ) by OCTOBER 26th to schedule a programconnection.
Scheduling is on a first call basis.
Only six ATM sites willbe interactive. Additional sites will be in a view only mode.
Program Fee: $50.00 will be charged to schools not in the NOTA or "Go TheDistance" member districts.
Please process a purchase order (to WVIZ/PBSDistance Learning Account, c/o John Ramicone, 4300 Brookpark Road, Cleveland44134) and fax a copy or the number of the PO. to 216-749-2560.
Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2005 15:27:40 -0500From: "Heighway, Julia" <>
Subject: New Programs and Collaborations
The following programs and collaborations are new offerings. For detailedinformation or to request this program, visit the CILC website
Amon Carter Museum=20Beautiful BiomesAudience: Education: Grade(s): 3, 4, 5, 6Description: Science and art interconnect in this broadcast as students usethe work of world-renowned nature photographer Eliot Porter to discussbiomes. Porter, a pioneer in nature color photography, traveled the worldfrom Africa to Iceland. During this program, students will present anddiscuss activities they have completed before the broadcast and learn howPorter's love of nature and the environment influenced his art. This programis appropriate for grades 3-5.Program Availability: By Request/On Demand ONLY=20People of the Plains=20Audience: Education: Grade(s): 3, 4, 5
Description: The Amon Carter Museum holds some of the most beautiful andimportant works of Plains Indians created by nineteenth-century artists.During this broadcast, students will use selected works to analyze anddiscuss Plains Indian culture, including the following themes:family/home, games/play, art/decoration, protection/self-defense,dances/ceremonies, and hunting. This program includes activities that mustbe completed by the students before the broadcast and is appropriate forgrades 3-5.
Program Availability: By Request/On Demand ONLYCILC
Professional Development=Developing Your Own Approved Beginning Teacher Mentor Program
Audience: Education: Professional Development Director, Principal,Administrator, Human Resource Directors, Instructional Coaches, Appropriate Educator Teams
Description: According to the Division of Professional Standards now withinthe Indiana Department of Education, "the first priority for assignment of amentor should be an individual who has participated in a Division ofProfessional Standards approved standards-based mentor training program..."CILC is pleased to offer your district an opportunity to develop your owncertified program so that you can meet the legal standards for mentoring newteachers without the expense and inconvenience of sending them "away" forsix full days or more. Join Indiana certified mentor faculty trainer, BonnieJo Kelley, in this three-part series as she assists school administratorsand their staff in writing their own program. E-mail support will beavailable from Bonnie between sessions. Final programs will be submitted tothe Division of Professional Standards within the Indiana Department ofEducation for approval.
Program Availability: Published Date(s) and Time(s) ONLY=20=20Indiana Repertory Theatre=20The Story That Must Be ToldAudience: Education: Grade(s): 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Public Library:Library Patrons, Business/Community: Community Member
Description: The Story that Must Be Told
Join the Indiana Repertory Theatre and some special guests in an interactive discussion via distance learningabout the WWII Holocaust=20 In conjunction with the IRT ' s productions ofAnd Then They Came ForMe: Remembering the World of Anne Frank by James Still and Old Wicked Songsby Jon Marans Program Availability: Published Date(s) and Time(s) ONLY=20=20Minnetrista=20
Amazing Animal Adaptations
Audience: Education: Kindergarten, Grade(s): 1, 2
Description: Animals are amazing! We will explore different habitats and howanimals adapt to those environments. Students will discover different typesof adaptations such as camouflage, warning coloration, and mimicry.
Program Availability: By Request/On Demand ONLYProvider: University Circle Interactive Cleveland=20Animation: Behind the ScenesAudience: Education: Grade(s): 9, 10, 11, 12, community college
Description: Animation: Behind the Scenes is a distance learning programcreated by Cleveland Institute of Art students for high school students ingrades 9-12. The program will discuss the process of creating animation frominitial concept to final product. Students will be introduced to techniquesand terms used in creating 2D, 3D, and stop-motion animation.Program Availability: n/a=20Interactive Media: Behind the ScenesAudience: Education: Grade(s): 9, 10, 11, 12, community collegeDescription: Interactive Media: Behind the Scenes is a distance learningprogram created by art students at The Cleveland Institute of Art for highschool students. The program explores the working process of developingvideo games, web sites and interactive media.Program Availability: n/a=20=20
Advanced Biology: Invasive Species VC Project Nov. 15 & 16Please join our students to discuss the introduced and/or invasive speciesof each area and the effects of these invaders on the ecosystem.Each group will investigate and then share what the introduced species arein their area, where they came from and how and when each was introduced.How are these invaders being dealt with? What effects have they had on theecosystem? Are there any predators in the new ecosystem for them? Are anysteps being taken to prevent new invasive species from appearing?For additional details, read the description online here: have openings for U.S. schools on November 15, 8:00-9:30 EST and a fewmore non-US schools on Nov. 16, 7:30-9:00 EST (12:30-2:00 GMT).Register online here: LimInstructional Technology ConsultantBerrien County ISD711 St. Joseph Ave.Berrien Springs, MI 49103 (269) 471-7725x101Fax: (269) 471-1221Web:
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