Wednesday, February 01, 2006

The Great Race is on!

This afternoon Avon Heritage North Elementary School participated in the great race kick off videoconference. The fifth grade teachers have enrolled their entire honors program to participate in the project. That would be 9 teachers and 75 students!

Students from the UNITE, NOECA and the Lorain County Distance Learning Consortium will be racing from the Ohio State Football Stadium to North Slope Borough, Alaska. Each class will be a team, and the team that gets there the quickest spending the least amount of money wins. It's that simple. Or is it???

Class teams can make their trip by land and water but they are not allowed to fly, at least until the teams get to Alaska. Click on the Forms button to access the online forms and download spreadsheets for tracking the methods of transportation by which the teams will travel. The teams will also use online forms to log their expenses, distance, time, weather, and landmarks and historical sites seen while on their journey.